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Triple impact


Environmental  Social  Governance

Recycle bins


Protecting the environment through circular economy and the reuse of existing resources

שמירה על הסביבה באמצעות מחזור משאבים קיימים

Every year, 350,000,000 computers are produced worldwide, making up about 2% of all carbon dioxide emissions.
The pollution created by the computer manufacturing industry is equivalent to the pollution of the entire aviation world.
The production of one computer requires 1.5 tons of water, 227 kg of polluting fuels and 23 kg of chemicals and is accompanied by the emission of approximately 422.5 kg of carbon.

In the State of Israel alone, one million new computers are purchased every year! The carbon footprint of manufacturing those computers is putting our planet at real risk.

Mitchashvim’s operation saves about 200 tons of electronic waste per year - the weight of 6 Boeing airplanes!


200 tons

Laptop image


Closing the digital divide

סגירת הפער הדיגיטלי בישראל

The scope

As of 2022, approx. 236,000 children, as well as young people and elderly living in Israel are still disconnected

The impact

In the short term – the digital divide does not allow equal opportunities and social mobility, and stand as a barrier to integration into academics and employment.
In the long term – severely damages Israeli economy productivity and preserves social, cultural and economic disparities.

The digital divide is defined as the gap between those who have access to the Internet and trusted digital devices and those with very limited access or none at all. The digital divide affects people from all walks of life and is defined by two main characteristics: access to high-speed Internet and access to reliable digital devices. Many people who are struggling with the digital divide face both.

Although there are associations, companies, and even government offices that try to reduce the digital divide - there is no single body that is trusted with finding a solution from end to end.

This is where we come in and take responsibility!

יצירת תעסוקה לבעלות/י מוגבלות, נפגעות/י נפש ופנסיונרים/ות
Senior man with a laptop


Creating employment for people with special needs and disabilities and retired senior citizens

The entire process of upgrading and renewing our computers is carried out by people with special needs and disabilities thus creating fair employment for mentally challenged people, people with cognitive disabilities, and people with motor disabilities. We train the employees, introduce them to a new, useful world, and enable them to acquire skills and tools for integration in the industry.

We have found this collaboration to be a mutually beneficial relation as on one side, their work is exceptionally thorough and the product they produce is of excellent quality and on the other side, the employees testify that this work gives them a sense of independence, ability, and satisfaction.

Within three years (2012-2015), the percentage of people with disabilities who are not in the workforce (ie not interested or unable to look for work) jumped from 36% to 45%, compared to only 15% among the population of people without disabilities.

Moreover, 41% of individuals with severe disabilities who are employed earn, according to the CBS data, up to NIS 5,000 per month, compared to 22% of all employed. 

In the State of Israel, the employment rate among people with disabilities is only 50% compared to 81% among people without disabilities.

Finally, 62% of the employed with severe disabilities, compared to 37% among the population of people without disabilities, have difficulty covering the monthly expenses.

These numbers mean that people with disabilities have to face social exclusion, unemployment and poverty and on the other hand, the Israeli economy loses approximately 5 billion NIS each year due to the employment situation of people with disabilities and due to their increasing dependence on state benefits (State Comptroller's Report, 2014).

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